Character Board & Brand DNA was the first project of my exchange semester at Amsterdam Fashion Institute. This project consisted of two main parts, the Character Board and the Brand DNA. The first part, which was the Character Board, was all about researching different types of Karl Jung's archetypes and choosing the ones I was most attracted to. After that, I had to create an alter ego outcome, which was, in my case, an illustration. Then this outcome was exchanged with the outcome of another student leading to a second part of the project, the Brand DNA. In this part, I was supposed to use the received alter ego and create the Brand DNA out of it. The two parts were documented by the Process Book. Both parts were supported by a lot of research and visual mood boards.
For the alter ego, I have decided to make an illustration of Aphrodite, using line art, with different symbolism connected to my chosen archetypes (the Lover and the Rebel). For the Brand DNA, after receiving the other student's alter ego representing their chosen archetypes (of the Soul type; the Lover, the Explorer, the Rebel and the Creator), I have created the Brand DNA. My idea was to design a candle concept that would be a perfect fit for the meaning and symbolism behind the received alter ego. I then created the brand description, chose core values (further represented by mood board), and I also made various visuals representing the brand/concept, from the logo, colors (after a detailed research and analysis of the color symbolism), to the actual mockups of the hero product and its detailed description and explanation. More visuals of this project as well as the process book covering the process behind every single step and creating the concept will be published soon.